Essential oils are all the rage, right? I mean they are everywhere, except maybe our local gas station (but perhaps they are coming soon there too). I mention this because when companies tout that they “use essential oil” in their products, I can appreciate consumers having both delight in knowing that plant-powered beauty is a mainstay, but also skepticism in wondering how ‘pure’ is ‘pure.’

Truth is, the FDA does not regulate essential oils, which is why we have seen such an influx of them over the last few years…everywhere. And no manner of labeling — pure, therapeutic, organic, natural, certified — is often more confusing to the average consumer than helpful.

So what’s my point? It is up to us, as consumers, to do our own research. To be our own health advocate. To not believe the hype, but find out for ourselves. The reality is that the average consumer (yep, I’m totally talking about you AND me) does not want to do that much work. And companies know that. So who do you trust? Ultimately that is a decision for each of us to decide.

For me, if you told me about 8 or so years ago that I was not living my best physical life, I would not have believed you. I was a runner, hiker, martial artist, and one who thrived on all things organic. It was not until my first daughter, at 18-months old, had a health concern that required a full-body chemical cream did I see how “normal” toxins were as a health treatment, and how I was permitting toxicity as a regular go-to for my growing family.

Frankly, I struggled as a new mom with the decision to lather my daughter in chemicals, but I didn’t see any other options.

I knew nothing about the power of essential oils. Perhaps like many, they were just “smell goods” to me. A liquid version of a candle, really.

I used a few store-bought brands from a local grocery store and had some modest relief. But when my best friend, who had her own nightmare journey with traditional medicine, began benefiting from Young Living essential oils I was willing to go a step further, do my own research (which I did) and try another brand that had far more transparency in sourcing.

I tell you all of this because I use Young Living essential oils in my skin care and cosmetic formulations.

For me, I didn’t choose Young Living because it was a company with a better-scented lavender or lemon to diffuse.

I chose an industry-leader and community that was committed to the highest standards for bringing God’s life-giving purity into every home. Into my home. Living in wellness was never about simply ‘buying oils.’

I invite you to be your own health advocate! Learn More and please reach out with any questions.

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